
Strange Phone is a simple and normal project from Harper Reed. It is a payphone that is permenantly installed in his backyard. You can call this payphone by dialing: +81 3 4589 4757. Yes, this is a Tokyo, JP number. Tolls will most likely apply.

If you call within operating hours, maybe someone will answer the phone. You never know.

The real reason for having a payphone is to create a blank (ish) vessel for putting stickers and other forms of street art onto. As a young person (when payphones were real), I was always excited to stumble across a drawn upon label 228 with some nice art on it.

I wanted to create a object that artists could contribute to via stickers, slaps, and other labels. Whether it be a character or a tag - the strange phone is a home.


If you want to contribute a sticker to the phone, send it to:

Strange Phone c/o Harper Reed
1658 N Milwaukee ave
Chicago, IL 60647

I will affix the sticker to phone and take a photo of it and post it to the strange_phone insta. Obviously, I will use my own discretion on whether it fits, etc. I imagine most pieces will be awesome.

I would like to keep a constant stream of stickers and art going. Please help!


Thanks for Shawnimals, T-Money and Lauren Asta for making our garage awesome. Also, talking about street art with these folks helped solidify my plans to make this payphone strange. You should commission some work from them.

I have been thinking about this project since I registered the strangephone domain in January 2006. I am excited that I have a place to put my wonderful payphone and place for y’all to put stickers.

You can learn more about the tech that powers the payphone here. And you can see some of our other street and public art here. For more about Harper, check out his twitter or homepage.